Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Afrogeek-y Question

Frances, our six year old, can recognize Stan Lee on sight and did a happy dance for the 12-inch black suit Spiderman action figure we saw in Target on Sunday. Is it safe to assume she's an afrogeek in training? Is she going to get beat up a lot in high school? Poor kid.


Anonymous said...

My three year old's favorite radio program is Neal Boortz.

He's doomed.

Anonymous said...

We have different markers of geekdom in our house--my 8-year old knows all the NPR shows by their theme songs, and when she and my husband started arguing over who was going to get the "one ring" for Christmas, I guessed we'd entered a new realm of geekdom. Then when my 2-year old started prancing around the house looking for her "preciousess," I knew. Luckily, LOTR is cool geeky right now. She's only recently discovered comics. How great that Frances recognizes Stan Lee!

Random question: Do you know the MomsRising.org grassroots group? I've just recently starting visiting their website and becoming interested in what they are up to. I'm curious to hear whether people know more about the movement.

Biffle said...

Frances will assuredly be a nerd, but I seriously doubt she'll get beat up in high school. She's tough! She's going to be the ringleader of a nerd gang, a new kind of phenomenon.