Wednesday, November 29, 2006

James Baldwin is kicking my ass

I was going to write a long post about the Michael Richards thing--about the absurdity of his apology tour, the irrelevance of Jesse Jackson, the misguided focused on the 'n' word (did we all miss the part where he threatened lynching and sodomy?)--but alas, I have been hard at work on my book on James Baldwin. I feel completely overwhelmed by this project and spend most of my free time whining about it. I do so much whining, in fact, that when my dear friend Jody sent me a copy of his book (an edited collection of essays on Radiohead), Frances said to me "Mommy you lose. Jody finished his book and you're still complaining about yours." Ah, the joys of motherhood.

Anyway, I've been grumpy about this book until recently when the project forced me to go back and read Baldwin (I hadn't actually read any Baldwin in two years; I have, however, read every book review and critical article written about his work). I leave you with one of my favorite passages from "Autobiographical Notes" in Notes of a Native Son. I fell in love with Baldwin the first time I read this:

"I do not like people who like me because I am a Negro; neither do I like people who find in the same accident grounds for contempt. I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. I think all theories are suspect, that the finest principles may have to be modified, or may even be pulverized by the demands of life, and that one must find, therefore, one’s moral center and move through the world hoping that this center will guide one aright. I consider that I have many responsibilities, but none greater than this: to last, as Hemingway says, and get my work done.

I want to be an honest man and a good writer."

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fun with Frances at the AME church/Voting with Frances

Before we get to the fun can I justt say how much of a surrpise it is not to have Brian pop up his head on this blog, say "Lex Luthor" and "underaged hookers" and cause a flurry of activity. Just once I'd like to be the fun one in the couple.

Anyhoo, on to Frances. After flirting with the idea of converting to Judaism (as much as one can at the age of 6) after finding out about Hanukhah's eight nights of presents, Frances has moved on. She has decided now to abandon Catholicism for the AME church. Her choir sang at Morris Brown AME on Sunday (they were host to Meminger Elem's pageant), along with choirs and dancers from other black churches. Needless to say, the protestant choirs (including one that perfomed in sign language) were much more animated and given to letting the spirit move them than was our little Catholic choir. Frances (and Cate for that matter) loved it. Frances wants to know when we can go back. It seems the somber music and reserved montone of the Catholic church just isn't doing it for her.

On Tuesday I took Frances with me to vote. She asked what we were voting on and I told her about he governor and the school board and the Family Discrimination Act. When I said we were voting to see whether or not a two men or two women could make a family together, Frances, with an adorably serious face, said, "We don't have to vote on that. That's already an 'I Can Do' law." She was very disappointed that 77% of South Carolinians apparently don't feel the same way.